Monday, January 24, 2022

Brr is it too cold for my Rabbits?

  Winter time and outside rabbits can be less challenging than you might think.  Rabbits live out in the wild in all kinds of weather.  If you provide a dry shelter out of the wind they won't need too much to keep them warm.   They will huddle naturally.  I like to put a few cotton blankets in my hutch for extra warmth. You may prefer to add straw. My reason against straw is they tend to potty in the hutch more and it needs cleaned out more often and replaced with dry.  
  I also feed extra hay in the winter and when temps are expected to be very low(below 15°) I will add a few black oil sunflower seeds, shells and all, to their pellets on average 3 or 4 per rabbit this will help to raise the Rabbits body temperature. Do not give this all the time because it can cause them to molt and loose their coat.
  The hardest is keeping water from freezing,  I have no good answers for that so I put fresh water out twice a day, more if I am home.  I hope this information helps you to keep your rabbits healthy and happy in the colder weather.