Thursday, September 17, 2020

The big escape

It was like any other morning. I went down to the hutch to feed and water the rabbits. I did not know how it could have happened, but the hutch door was open! I looked in the top of the hutch and no rabbits!!
 So I started to call their names.  Out from the pine trees here came Silvia, I had some romaine lettuce and a few blueberries for todays treat. She came right up to me to snack, so I gently guided her into the hutch. Wow that was easy!
Now where are those other 2 at?  
I started to look around and just about 10 feet away was Opal, now Opal has always been the most skittish of the three, this could be tricky.
I slowly walked up to her and she came towards me a little.  Then it was like she realized what my plan was and turned real fast and headed under a bush, of course in the opposite direction of the hutch😒.
Meanwhile my husband came out of the house and joined in the search for Copper, As he walked towards the pine trees Copper popped out. Silvia was in the cage, so he got her to go up the ramp, opened the hutch door and he was able to get Copper back in the cage to eat the goodies in the pan. 2 down 1 to go 🙃
Now back to Opal by this time she had decided to venture near our deck, of course I have flowers planted so she had a snack! She managed to stay in and under the deck ALL DAY!
She would come out close enough to eat from my hand but would not let me catch her.  My husband and I decided she had played long enough! We have to be able to outsmart her,  right?  Long story we managed to get her chased back down towards the hutch where she decdied the pine trees were her new home for the next couple hours.
  I knew Copper came in for blueberries so got a few more blueberries and placed them near a  inside the open door, I then got the other rabbits to come to the other side and was hand feeding them by hand and keeping them occupied.  It worked she wanted to have the sweet snack as she interned the cage I jumped to the other side and closed the door!!! 
Lesson learned always check the latches!!